Category «Property Development.»
Fully Taxable Profit or 50% CGT Discount?

(Download PDF) I have got to say the most common question I am asked is whether the ATO would consider a subdivision a profit making business or merely realising an asset. If the land is sold in a profit making enterprise then it is business income, fully taxable, which means no 50% CGT discount. The …
Claiming Property Expense When Not Rented

Claiming Property Expense When Not Rented The big question is – “What is Exceptional Damage Beyond Your Reasonable Control?” The answer in the case of the above photo would depend on a DNA test because if your family does the damage, no tax deduction. What a segue! Sounds a lot more interesting than discussing …
Small Developments

Small Developers If your project includes actually constructing a building with the intention of selling for a profit then you must charge GST when you sell. Make sure to ask about a margin scheme clause in the contract to reduce your GST. The same applies if you buy land with the intention of subdividing and …
Building A Duplex

There are just so many tax traps when building a duplex that you must see a property savvy Accountant before you begin. These issues cover a common wall duplex through to building another house on your land by creating a battle-axe block, to looking at when you create two or more titles with a house …