Category «Property Investments»
If Your Home or Investment Property Has Been Damaged in the Fires – Updated 8th April 2022
Download PDF – Updated 8th April 2022 If your Home or Investment Property Was Damaged in the Fires or the Floods, The taxman is lurking behind those new green shoots of regrowth and what a bonanza to be had. The ATO can easily administer through already established data matching with land titles offices and insurance …
Make Hay While the Sun Shines – Claiming Interest During Construction of a Residential Rental
(Download PDF) The ATO have issued a draft ruling on claiming expenses when you are constructing a rental property. TR 2021/D5 From 1st July, 2019 the deduction of expenses relating to vacant land have been severely restricted. Specifically, in regard to the costs associated with vacant land that you are holding to build a …
Hybrids are being Spruiked Again!
Claiming Property Expense When Not Rented
Claiming Property Expense When Not Rented The big question is – “What is Exceptional Damage Beyond Your Reasonable Control?” The answer in the case of the above photo would depend on a DNA test because if your family does the damage, no tax deduction. What a segue! Sounds a lot more interesting than discussing …