Category «Tax»

PSI – Contractors Splitting Income

So You think You Are A Contractor and Can Split Income? The Three Stages of Being a Contractor: Qualifying for an ABN – You need to be an enterprise, more than just providing your labour. A ute may help if it is fundamental to your income producing activities but a station wagon or sedan won’t …

Allowances on PAYG Summaries


  Help your employees give the ATO a raspberry to their new draconian bully tactics on reasonable allowances. This blog is both for employers and for employees who have read our article on travel allowances If you are the latter make sure you give your employer a copy of this, so they can do …

The 2019 Election Budget and Reply Special

The 2019 Election Budget and Reply Special This year is certainly unique! A budget that first needs to get through an election to be enacted yet there is so much we need to know right now. Rather than look too far into the long-range forecasts I will concentrate on changes that will affect the next …

Franking Credit Detailed Argument

Refunding Franking Credits – Let’s address the Elephant in the Room – Tax Free Superannuation Labor party policy is that franking credits should not be refunded to taxpayers and self managed superannuation funds (SMSF) who don’t have enough taxable income to pay tax. Note that public superannuation funds that pay tax free pensions will still …