Category «Your Own Home»

It Looks Like A Gift Until The ATO Pops Up!

(Download PDF) Bosanac’s case has taken a turn for the worse. Initially, before a single judge of the Federal court Ms Bosanac was successful in holding onto the family home which she held in her name only. The ATO was after half of it to pay her husband’s tax bill. The Federal court found …

12 Mistakes When Buying A Home To Live In

(Download PDF) Educating yourself and seeking advice is something you associate with property investing but not buying a home to live in. Well, it didn’t take long at all for me to come up with 12 mistakes I have seen people make when buying a property to use as their home. I list them below, …

Expats Beware

Australian Expats may lose their main residence tax exception.

Download PDF Last Updated: 28th January 2025 Expats Beware the Australian Government is After Your Main Residence Exemption Again! The bill to remove the main residence exemption for expats made its way through both houses in the final days of the 2019 parliament. It is a little tamer than the 2017 version but can still …