Building Wealth in Any Environment

Building Wealth in Any Environment With all the uncertainty surrounding investment at the moment, it was interesting that we had so much material for our recent seminar with Noel Whittaker, on the tried and true methods of building wealth no matter what the politicians get up to. Don’t use the current uncertainty as an excuse …

The 2019 Election Budget and Reply Special

The 2019 Election Budget and Reply Special This year is certainly unique! A budget that first needs to get through an election to be enacted yet there is so much we need to know right now. Rather than look too far into the long-range forecasts I will concentrate on changes that will affect the next …

Franking Credit Detailed Argument

Refunding Franking Credits – Let’s address the Elephant in the Room – Tax Free Superannuation Labor party policy is that franking credits should not be refunded to taxpayers and self managed superannuation funds (SMSF) who don’t have enough taxable income to pay tax. Note that public superannuation funds that pay tax free pensions will still …

Building A Duplex

There are just so many tax traps when building a duplex that you must see a property savvy Accountant before you begin.   These issues cover a common wall duplex through to building another house on your land by creating a battle-axe block, to looking at when you create two or more titles with a house …