Make Hay While the Sun Shines – Claiming Interest During Construction of a Residential Rental

(Download PDF) The ATO have issued a draft ruling on claiming expenses when you are constructing a rental property. TR 2021/D5 From 1st July, 2019 the deduction of expenses relating to vacant land have been severely restricted. Specifically, in regard to the costs associated with vacant land that you are holding to build a …

The $150K Immediate Writeoff – Clever Trick

LAST UPDATED – May 12 2021 (Download PDF) Time to start thinking about whether you would like to take advantage of the $150,000 (increased from $20,000 on 29th January, 2019) immediate tax deduction before the end of the financial year. Though it will still be available up to 30th June, 2023. The threshold varies depending …